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GROW Smart Engine

GROW Smart Engine

Are you a fan of smart ads? It’s time to meet GROW Smart Engine! This innovative tool builds a dynamic display ad network within your articles on both mobile and desktop, automatically embedding the ads within the predefined parameters on your page. It packs the full power of Waytogrows SSP demand coupled with an intelligent reload feature all in one easy to use unit!  

Growth in details:

Average revenue growth >50%  

Powered by intellegent AI technology  

Preset interspace between own and pre-existing ads  

Provides highly viewable (VR of 70% & more) ad placements  

Fully adjustable to your business and UX needs  

Can be limited to selected domains, subdomains or content  

Dynamically insert ads within your article pages  

Includes multiple ad formats per device  

Works with WordPress and SPA (Single Page Application)  

Works in lazy loading mode  

Does not interfere with the existing ad structure  

Technical specifications

The GROW Smart Engine revolutionizes online advertising with its intelligent “engine” that enables dynamic ad insertion in articles and content pages. This innovative solution creates a dynamic display ad grid on the page, seamlessly integrating automated ads within the editorial content of the website. Two essential modules, the Ad Wrapper and Ad Content, form part of this advanced advertising product.


Ad Wrapper leverages  the power of smart ads:

  •  The GROW Smart Engine dynamically analyzes the article pages of a website and generates a real-time grid of advertising formats based on predefined parameters. This optimizes visibility and ensures effective placement of the required ad formats on both mobile and desktop.
  • The engine ad formats are thoughtfully separated not only from each other but also from other existing advertisements on the site, providing a seamless user experience.
  • Parameterized scenarios allow publishers to exclude specific sections from displaying ads, offering flexibility and control.
  • This flexible solution supports a wide range of formats and works seamlessly on mobile and desktop devices. It is compatible with the majority of web creation technologies and formats.


With the GROW Smart Engine, you have complete control over your advertising network and numerous configuration options. You can determine the placement of ads, adjust spacing between ads (density), set the maximum number of ads, choose preferred formats, define refresh rates, loading times, and even designate ad-free areas on the page.

The GROW Smart Engine ensures high visibility, with a Viewability Rate of 70% or more. It aligns with the policies of Google, the Coalition For Better Ads, and IAB recommendations. Implementation is simple and fast, requiring just one line of code applied to your  website or ad-server, along with selecting the available options and parameters. This saves valuable time for the IT team and seamlessly integrates with existing solutions within your ad stack.

Ad Content is another key feature of the GROW Smart Engine, providing access to a wide range of programmatic traffic. It serves ads through Google Ad Manager (GAM) adserver, combining sources such as Google demand (Ad Exchange, AdSense, Open Bidding, Programmatic Guaranteed/Direct), dedicated SSP platforms in Header Bidding configuration (prebid.js), and Amazon.

The GROW Smart Engine ensures browser compatibility with popular browsers including Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer (version 11 and above), and Opera.


Proven by a real life results:  

One month is all it took to increase their advertising revenue by 30%  

“What is worth doing is worth doing well” Nicolas Poussin – it was time for a renaissance at Dailyart Magazine and Waytogrow knew what to do! Utilizing a number of solutions and optimization techniques the publisher’s revenue increased overnight along with the user experience rating.  

rocket with path Daily Art Magazine

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  • Maximizing Revenue and Engagement with Smart Ads

    In the ever-evolving world of online advertising, smart ads are essential to stay ahead of the competition. These ads leverage advanced technologies and intelligent algorithms to deliver highly targeted and personalized content to users. Smart ads go beyond traditional static advertisements by adapting and adjusting in real-time based on user behavior and preferences.



    Benefits of Using Automated Ads

    With the rise of programmatic advertising and artificial intelligence, automated ads offer numerous benefits. One of them is dynamic ad insertion in articles and content. This approach is a game-changer for publishers, allowing article ads to be seamlessly integrated within editorial content, enhancing the user experience and maximizing revenue potential. By tailoring the ads to match the content, publishers can capture the attention of users and drive engagement whilst reducing the time spent on configuring individual ad placements for each article page. 

    Introducing the GROW Smart Engine: Revolutionizing Smart Ads

    The GROW Smart Engine is at the forefront of the smart ads revolution. This powerful tool creates a dynamic display ad network within articles on both mobile and desktop platforms.  By embedding ads within predefined parameters, the GROW Smart Engine optimizes visibility and ensures effective placement of the required ad formats..

    Why Choose the GROW Smart Engine?

    The key to the GROW Smart Engine lies in its intelligent technology, which powers the entire system. This tool analyzes the website in real-time and generates a dynamic grid of advertising formats based on predefined parameters. The result is a seamless integration of ads within the editorial content, providing a cohesive user experience.

    One of the standout features of the GROW Smart Engine is its ability to provide highly viewable ad placements. With a viewability rate of 70% or more, publishers can rest assured that their ads will capture the attention of their website visitors. This high viewability translates into increased engagement and ultimately leads to higher revenue.

    Furthermore, the GROW Smart Engine is fully adjustable to the unique needs of each business and user experience. Publishers have full control over the placement of ads, spacing between ads, and can even limit ads to selected domains, subdomains, or specific content. This level of customization ensures that the ads seamlessly blend with the content and do not disrupt the existing ad structure.

    With just one line of code added to the website or ad-server, publishers can unlock the full potential of dynamic ad insertion. The solution works seamlessly with the majority of web creation technologies and formats including WordPress, React and SPA technology. 

    Harnessing the Power of Smart Ads

    By leveraging automated ads and dynamic ad insertion in articles and content, publishers can unlock new revenue streams and engage their audience in a more personalized manner. The GROW Smart Engine offers unparalleled benefits, including substantial revenue growth, highly viewable ad placements, and full customization options.

    To take your advertising strategy to the next level, it’s time to embrace the power of smart ads with the GROW Smart Engine. Contact us today for a personalized consultation and discover how the GROW Smart Engine can revolutionize your advertising strategy.