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GROW Sticky Banner

GROW Sticky Banner

GROW Sticky Banner is a technologically advanced anchor ad format utilizing the full power of SSP demand in both open and header bidding environments. It is proven to be one of the most user-friendly ad formats in addition to being an effective tool for successful monetization. With its inbuilt reload feature and fully customizable design, the GROW Sticky Banner, powered by Waytogrow’s optimization technology, achieves some of the highest fill rates on the market. It is compatible with both mobile and desktop platforms, making it a versatile solution for display banner ads.  

Growth in details:

Average eCPM growth >50%  

User friendly ad format, no risk for UX  

Can be limited to selected domains or subdomains only  

Viewability Rate >90%  

Renders on a separate, non-transparent layer  

Works with WordPress, SPA and AMP websites  

Refreshes every 30 seconds  

Customizable background and closing button  

Multi-size formatting: 320×50, 320×100, 360×100, 360×50  

Technical specifications

The GROW Sticky Banner is an effective banner ad format that is prominently displayed as an anchor ad immediately upon entering a website. It appears on the bottom bar of the browser screen and remains fixed in place while the content scrolls underneath, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement.

The GROW Sticky Banner consists of two integral components: the Ad Wrapper and the Ad Content. The Ad Wrapper is a parameterized layer in which the advertising product is displayed:

  • Typically coloured white (customisable), it overlays  the lower elements of the website, ensuring that it is visible in the foreground. 
  • The ad is centered on the layer where it appears, creating a visually appealing and attention-grabbing display.
  • The GROW Sticky Banner is compatible with all devices, including desktop, tablet, and mobile. 
  • Device recognition is based on browser headers (Device by UserAgent) or screen width (window.innerWidth), allowing for seamless integration across various platforms. 
  • For formats that check the screen width, there is an option to limit the display of the Ad Wrapper to a specified value in pixels, ensuring optimal placement and performance.
  • The close button is conveniently located above the advertisement, usually in the upper right corner. 
  • When the ad is closed, it collapses, and all elements hide from the visible area, providing a seamless user experience. 
  • Once the ad is closed, it cannot be recalled without reloading the page.


In terms of Ad Content, the GROW Sticky Banner is an effective anchor ad solution that offers access to virtually all traffic from the programmatic ecosystem. It serves ads through the Google Ad Manager (GAM) ad server, leveraging various sources of demand, including Google’s Ad Exchange, AdSense, Open Bidding, Programmatic Guaranteed/Direct, and dedicated SSP platforms in the Header Bidding configuration (prebid.js). Additionally, it integrates with Amazon’s advertising platform, expanding the reach and potential audience for publishers.


The GROW Sticky Banner is compatible with popular browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer (version 11 and above), and Opera. This ensures broad accessibility and reach for both advertisers and publishers looking to leverage effective banner ads and anchor ads on diverse banner ad platforms.


Proven by a real life results:  

54% revenue growth is the tip of the Stiletto using the GROW Sticky Banner! is one of Poland’s largest fashion and lifestyle magazines. Tired of the high street it was time for something new! Along came to Waytogrow bringing a fresh new style to banner ads. Having tried it on for the first time almost 4 years ago the publisher has yet to take it off!  

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  • Maximizing Revenue and Engagement with Display Banner Ads

    Display banner ads have long been a staple in the world of online advertising. These visually appealing banners have the power to capture the attention of website visitors and drive them to take action. When it comes to maximizing website ad revenue, banner ads for publishers are a powerful tool that should not be overlooked.


    By implementing display banner ads, publishers can maximize their website’s potential and generate additional revenue streams by monetizing their website traffic through displaying relevant advertisements. Additionally, publishers can use banner ad platforms to manage and optimize their ad inventory, ensuring that the right ads are displayed to the right audience at the right time. This targeted approach leads to higher click-through rates and increased revenue for publishers.

    Benefits of Effective Anchor Ads

    One of the key elements of effective banner ads is the use of anchor ads. Anchor ads are small display banner ads that stick to the edge of the screen as the user scrolls through the website. Considered highly effective, they are always visible to the user, even as they navigate different pages or sections of the website. By incorporating effective anchor ads into their websites, publishers can ensure higher viewability and boost their ad revenue.

    Unleash the Power of the GROW Sticky Banner Format

    Step into the world of display banner ads and discover the must-have solution: the GROW Sticky Banner. With its cutting-edge technology and unrivaled effectiveness as an anchor ad format, it harnesses the full potential of SSP demand in both open and header bidding environments. Powered by Waytogrow’s optimization technology, this banner stands out for its user-friendly interface and unparalleled monetization capabilities, consistently delivering industry-leading fill rates. Experience its seamless reload feature and fully customizable design, designed to cater to both mobile and desktop platforms, ensuring optimal visibility for your display banner ads.

    Unlike traditional banner ads that disappear as viewers scroll past them, the GROW Sticky Banner keeps your ad in view at all times, thanks to its innovative design. This increased visibility leads to higher engagement and ultimately converts more paid impressions per user without the need for additional ad units.

    Why Choose the GROW Sticky Banner?

    Harnessing the Power of Display Banner Ads

    Display banner ads have the power to maximize the potential of the website and generate additional revenue streams. By exploring innovative anchor ad formats like the GROW sticky banner, publishers can ensure higher viewability, increase conversion rates, and boost their ad revenue.

    With the built-in reload feature, fully customizable design, and Waytogrow’s optimization technology, the GROW Sticky Banner format offers one of the highest fill rates on the market. 

    Contact us today for a free consultation and elevate your advertising strategy to new heights.