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GROW Twin Booster

GROW Twin Booster

Bid farewell to stagnant earnings! GROW Twin Booster is the ultimate in-content ad solution designed for article pages, offering a user-friendly experience that ensures maximum engagement and profitability. Available for tablet and desktop, this solution combines two ad rectangles seamlessly intertwined within a single ad space, paving the way for a double revenue boost and broader coverage!    

Growth in details:

2 auctions – 2x increased revenue    

Higher coverage due to 2 ad units in one ad space    

Auto centering, when just one ad unit is filled    

User-friendly, no risk for UX    

Works with WordPress and SPA (Single Page Application)    

Can be limited to selected domains or subdomains only    

Smart Reload feature – refreshes every 30 seconds    

Supported ad sizes – Rectangle (336×280, 300×250 and other)    

Technical specifications

The GROW Twin Booster is an innovative in-content ad solution specifically designed for desktop and tablet content or article pages. This user-friendly ad format seamlessly combines two ad rectangles within a single ad space, offering an opportunity to maximize website ad revenue.

Key Features:
– Higher coverage with 2 ad units occupying one ad space.
– 2 auctions leads to increased 2x revenue.
– User-friendly design with no risk to user experience (UX).
– Auto centering when only one ad unit is filled.
– Option to limit display to selected domains or subdomains.
– Smart Reload feature automatically refreshes every 30 seconds.
– Supported ad sizes: 336×280, 300×250, and others.
– Available for Desktop and Tablet devices.


Implementation is quick and straightforward, requiring only one line of code to be applied to your website or ad-server. Additionally, you can select the available options and parameters to customize the solution according to your needs, optimizing your in-content ads for maximum revenue generation.

The GROW Twin Booster provides access to a broad range of programmatic traffic, allowing you to maximize your website’s ad revenue potential. It serves ads through Google Ad Manager (GAM) ad server, combining sources such as Google demand (Ad Exchange, AdSense, Open Bidding, Programmatic Guaranteed/Direct), dedicated SSP platforms in Header Bidding configuration (prebid.js), and Amazon.

Browser compatibility is ensured with popular browsers including Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer (version 11 and above), and Opera.


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